It’s all about trust
The takeaway from this blog is that clear and effective communications have never been more important to your business. And that Kava can help you get this right.
I don’t know whether your sales surged or suffered during lockdown. Or whether your organisation has been mothballed or frontline-active through the emergency. Either way, as much of the world slowly unlocks, what, how and when you communicate requires much more thought than usual.
None of us expected to be where we are today. Most budgets and plans from December 2019 seem meaningless in July 2020. But that doesn’t mean ambition and strategy should be abandoned.
We have been fortunate that, during this crisis, we have been extraordinarily busy.
We have helped keep brands visible and connected to their markets when many of their usual channels were closed, overloaded or irrelevant.
Covid-19 is a global catastrophe that has destroyed lives and made all of us question what really matters. Trust and integrity are valued more than ever, as we’ve seen from reaction to the many missteps from big brands when they’ve sought to get more than they’re due from Black Lives Matter gestures. Getting tone right is second only to the authenticity of content.
The most visible side of our work has been supporting clients in the development of responsive and often sensitive communication plans, constantly evolving to keep pace with events.
At the same time, we have been helping companies and organisations reframe their business, marketing and communications strategies in anticipation not just of unprecedented economic challenges but also of radical shifts in individual and social priorities.
As thin shafts of opportunity become a little brighter, we hope we can leverage this experience to help you emerge stronger from this crisis.