Membership and marketing services for industry forum


Association/membership management
Events and sponsorship


Small Cell Forum (SCF)

The brief

Introduce a new technology by setting up and managing an international trade organisation to promote and drive a fast-paced technology roadmap and unite an ecosystem of stakeholders and vendors; grow its profile and promote the technology with plenaries, conferences, awards, digital marketing, PR, trade show presence and networking opportunities.

The strategy

How to promote a new technology? Well, you can set up a global trade organisation and develop a deep understanding of the mobile infrastructure industry, building relationships and implementing business and marketing strategies. Generate added value for member companies through technical and regulatory workstreams, collaborative outputs and influencing analysts and media.

Provide services covering five key areas:

Strategic marketing of new technologies to governments, regulators, the communications industry, and enterprise. This is all about precision targeting.

Create a substantial publishing programme that explains the technology, establishes best practice guidelines and socialises innovation, then get it into the hands of influencers via a broad range of platforms.

Maintaining policies and ensuring they are adhered to. Supporting leadership team activities and partnership programmes, working group endeavours, regular calls and plenaries.

Membership management:
Optimising retention and identifying prospects. Managing on-boarding, maintaining engaging relationships and encouraging active participation. Executing overall business and marketing policies. Arranging ongoing and regular communications through numerous channels. Managing a members’ extranet area for confidential information sharing and updates.

Administrative and financial:
Budget management, reporting and book-keeping, ensuring organisational compliance and best practice across finance, legals and DPA/GDPR. Voting and Articles of Association and confidentiality management.

SCF Release Program documents and white papers influenced by membership
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SCF retention and recruitment strategies
SCF trade show stands and visitor management
SCF trade show branding

The results

SCF is now a globally recognised brand with a seat at the table whenever decisions about global communications infrastructure are being made. The technology it supports is universally recognised as integral to digital transformation and all mobile communications.

The SCF team at Kava developed an intimate knowledge and appreciation of the business needs and industry advancements, and has been key in the evolution of SCF as it has evolved from a closed membership body, to an influential industry-leading association with an internationally recognised body of technical papers.

Providing a consistent, high quality business management and support service for over 12 years, through the leadership tenures of five Chairs, and at more than 40 international member plenaries, we are known for our reliability, professionalism and ability to make technical material accessible to a wide range of influencers.


40+ international plenaries
150+ reports created via Release Program
12+ years SCF management

33% average open rate for eshots
Thank you for ALL you do for the Forum! You’re the BEST team I’ve ever worked with…
CEO, Small Cell Forum
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Technology explained animation
Creating networking opportunities
Landing pages for digital marketing campaigns
Segmented eshot campaigns
International conference and workshop organisation
Marketing collateral for vertical markets
Plenaries and workshops
Release document design